Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cavegurls Strippers and Sex Sims... OH MY!

Well, bois and girls as you have cleverly deduced from my Blog title - this may get a bit sticky. To top that steamy chaos off, we have some seemingly cocky pictures I've included for your viewing pleasures! I also have a fun chat log to share with you, courtesy of sexycavegurl69 ((who **YES** gave permission to share the chat on my blog; She was under no misunderstandings and her name has been changed for her protection))

Today was an interesting day, that happened to start off a bit slow. I sent the daily notice for Two of a Kind dyke-femme bar; I then had a bit of an altercation over the content of my prior 2 blog entries containing "naughty" pictures. After going to cool my jets for a bit, I came back solid and determined not to budge; nor let my blog dissolve in to the abyss, simply because of the select few readers out there -- who still rather enjoy my entries. ((I really do appreciate you readers out there! You have no idea!))

I went to the "best in bondage" event at 2oak, and met some very interesting new people; I got "hit on" a bit and had a nice long dance with my wifey. The rave party started next, and the brightly clad VIPs flooded through the doors, breathing new life into 2oak. My sexy wife and I danced pressed against one another, shakin' our things like we had a weight loss goal or something. *snickers* That is, until I noticed Millie was missing.... oh wait, so is Tana, and Onion... Now where else could they be, silly readers but at the (NAMELESS) sex sim?

I immediately demanded they send for myself, and my wife; upon arrival we were bombarded with IMs from straight men looking "for a little fun". Wading past all the bullshit was half the battle; trying not to crack the fuck up when we discovered Onion had been roped into a contest on VOICE at the (NAMELESS) sex sim, was most definitely the hard part. Clear as a bell her voice came over the stream proclaiming all the naughty, kinky, dirty things she'd be doing to (well, lets call him...) DOCTOR. Doc had it hard for dear sweet southern Onion; the crowd had a bit of a hard-on for her too. She teased his neck, nipples, and his sweet spot. In turn, she won 3,000 Lindens for having the balls to say all of this on mic! Sadly, I don't have any pictures for you from this little venture; I do however have the chat logs to share. (some parts omitted, as they were all said in local chat)

sexycavegurl69: definitely security
sexycavegurl69: pull out sunnyboi's gun and blows his brains out with it
SunnyBoi Canis: o.O
SunnyBoi Canis: my gun - lol
SunnyBoi Canis: :P

(((someone says here "*giggles* be good sexycavegurl69"))) or something to that effect ;]

sexycavegurl69: i debated on using the word pistol
E[L]MO: >.O
SunnyBoi Canis: snickers
hopey: -.-
sexycavegurl69: maybe weapon? idk i'm over thinking this

O.O Perhaps that is the last time I wear a gun in my pants to a sex sim? Perhaps its the last time I go to a sex sim.... period. :P~

You only live once, right? (that is, unless you have alts. then you have as many damn lives as you please.)

Hmm... alts. That would make for an interesting blog entry, don't you think readers? Leave me a little HOWDYHOO and let me know. *points to the comment button..... where it may be located*

Over all, I had an exciting, and sex-filled day. From the "your blog is too naughty" type of sex talk, to the "I'll be your nipple Doctor, baby" type. Who could ask for a better day?

quote of the day: "everything you've heard is true" (taken from my own profile, as it seems to deter SOME of the IMs I get at random..... some.)

Keep on hatin' if you want, I'll be back tomorrow either way.
Peace & Love S.boi

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