Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Here fishy fishy....

Hi there everyone out in the interweb. Well, its way past my bed time, I'll have you all know; however, the days events are just coursing through my veins and I want to share them with you special few.

So, I met this girl (isn't life grand?) She's funny, quirky... beautiful... talented... you know. The works. Well, she took me to this RP place called CARP. Yes, similar to the fish in that they share the same name. Different, because its not about fish at all. Anyways, we go to CARP and I'm worried because I have NO IDEA what the fuck I'm doing. Well, we get started into this maze. It was a fucking hoot! I tell ya! A HOOT. Its basically a grownup version of freeze-tag. but ten times more hilarious, even a little bit sexy. I suggest you all go play now, because it was incredibly fun.

Next time I'll be sure to get some pics for ya!

In other news, I've collaborated with the aforementioned girl in a blogging sense. She blogs several poses/clothing/etc and suggested I work with her -- focusing on the boi side of things of course. I'm excited to move forward in my new business ventures and see where it can take me.

Hope you all are swell.

quote of the day: "well, with an offer like that how could I say no?"

Peace & Love S.boi

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hello Creative Outlet, I'm Sunny. Pleased to meet you

The title of this blog seems the be the most suiting one of any entries I've written; I have to warn you readers (*points to HQ*) that if this blog seems a bit peculiar that is because I may or may not be under the influence. I can neither confirm nor deny this. *Nahms some banana bread and continues typing...*

Well as most everyone should know by now, I own a shapes store specializing in boi avatar shapes.  I've decided to close my in-world store due to not giving a shit anymore. LOL. Since I joined SL and met my SL family, I've always wanted to own a photography studio; now I do.

The logo at the top of this blog belongs to my new photo studio. A good friend and I were discussing photography and how we both always wanted a studio. We excitedly talked into the night and created Studio FOCUS. Here is some examples of the work I've done there so far:

This is Sav & I

Annnnnnd, there you have it! Some of my recent work [: If you'd like photo's done, please contact me (Sunnyboi Canis) or my business partner Savannah OHare! We'd love to see you at the studio [:

Now, yesterday was quite the interesting day. A friend of our fell asleep... and sweet little slutmuffin and whorecake decided it'd be funny to mess with her while she was sleeping. So we rezzed out the most random stuff we could fine, and the following picture was born....

yepp. Dun fall asleep around my friends. Its a bad idea. O-O Anywho's I better post this shit to prove to some avid readers that I am in fact not dead, or losing my ability to type.

toodles <3

quote of the day: HQ "I don't even know how to make banana bread!!!!!!"

                               Me "You know I have no idea, but I bet it involves bananas."

Peace & Love S.boi