Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cavegurls Strippers and Sex Sims... OH MY!

Well, bois and girls as you have cleverly deduced from my Blog title - this may get a bit sticky. To top that steamy chaos off, we have some seemingly cocky pictures I've included for your viewing pleasures! I also have a fun chat log to share with you, courtesy of sexycavegurl69 ((who **YES** gave permission to share the chat on my blog; She was under no misunderstandings and her name has been changed for her protection))

Today was an interesting day, that happened to start off a bit slow. I sent the daily notice for Two of a Kind dyke-femme bar; I then had a bit of an altercation over the content of my prior 2 blog entries containing "naughty" pictures. After going to cool my jets for a bit, I came back solid and determined not to budge; nor let my blog dissolve in to the abyss, simply because of the select few readers out there -- who still rather enjoy my entries. ((I really do appreciate you readers out there! You have no idea!))

I went to the "best in bondage" event at 2oak, and met some very interesting new people; I got "hit on" a bit and had a nice long dance with my wifey. The rave party started next, and the brightly clad VIPs flooded through the doors, breathing new life into 2oak. My sexy wife and I danced pressed against one another, shakin' our things like we had a weight loss goal or something. *snickers* That is, until I noticed Millie was missing.... oh wait, so is Tana, and Onion... Now where else could they be, silly readers but at the (NAMELESS) sex sim?

I immediately demanded they send for myself, and my wife; upon arrival we were bombarded with IMs from straight men looking "for a little fun". Wading past all the bullshit was half the battle; trying not to crack the fuck up when we discovered Onion had been roped into a contest on VOICE at the (NAMELESS) sex sim, was most definitely the hard part. Clear as a bell her voice came over the stream proclaiming all the naughty, kinky, dirty things she'd be doing to (well, lets call him...) DOCTOR. Doc had it hard for dear sweet southern Onion; the crowd had a bit of a hard-on for her too. She teased his neck, nipples, and his sweet spot. In turn, she won 3,000 Lindens for having the balls to say all of this on mic! Sadly, I don't have any pictures for you from this little venture; I do however have the chat logs to share. (some parts omitted, as they were all said in local chat)

sexycavegurl69: definitely security
sexycavegurl69: pull out sunnyboi's gun and blows his brains out with it
SunnyBoi Canis: o.O
SunnyBoi Canis: my gun - lol
SunnyBoi Canis: :P

(((someone says here "*giggles* be good sexycavegurl69"))) or something to that effect ;]

sexycavegurl69: i debated on using the word pistol
E[L]MO: >.O
SunnyBoi Canis: snickers
hopey: -.-
sexycavegurl69: maybe weapon? idk i'm over thinking this

O.O Perhaps that is the last time I wear a gun in my pants to a sex sim? Perhaps its the last time I go to a sex sim.... period. :P~

You only live once, right? (that is, unless you have alts. then you have as many damn lives as you please.)

Hmm... alts. That would make for an interesting blog entry, don't you think readers? Leave me a little HOWDYHOO and let me know. *points to the comment button..... where it may be located*

Over all, I had an exciting, and sex-filled day. From the "your blog is too naughty" type of sex talk, to the "I'll be your nipple Doctor, baby" type. Who could ask for a better day?

quote of the day: "everything you've heard is true" (taken from my own profile, as it seems to deter SOME of the IMs I get at random..... some.)

Keep on hatin' if you want, I'll be back tomorrow either way.
Peace & Love S.boi

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

That's what she said...

Hello Bloggers, and blog fans out there in wonderland! I realize some of you may not like my blog as much as others seem to; that being said please do not take the following personally. *clears throat, then points to the red "x", located on the top right corner of most browser windows*

I would also like to take this time to let you all know, that the chat logs I share so openly with you all, are most definitely PERMITTED to be shared. You heard right folks, straight from the source; I ASK POLITELY to use any/all chat logs. I also (believe it or not) ask when taking pictures, if the person is comfortable with their name being in the post. If we are friends in SL, please don't assume I'll ask to blog our conversations; or worse, that I would blog them without having bothered to get your consent first. While I have your undivided attention, I might as well throw in again that in *MOST* of my pictures, I do not own the background images, but borrow them, and spin them to make them my own creation. That is all...

Now, as for 2oak, yesterday was awesome! I got to dance with my sexy wifey, and listen to an INCREDIBLE new DJ spin some rockin' tunage. I'm proud to have her on our staff as the newest DJ, and look forward to hearing her spin again. I also had the pleasure of spending some time with my nearest and dearest - as well as get some work done. \o/

My oh my, I'm impressive. ;D

quote of the day: "I am not a whore" *sings*

stick around, this shit just got real.

Peace & Love S.boi

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This is easy as lovers go

Hi there readers <3 we're up over 100 page views now! :O I'm really impressed! Thank you thank you thank you so much for stickin' around and reading; a special thank you to the readers who've followed my blog. I personally think its because my pictures have taken a turn for the naughty ;] ;]

Anyways, I don't have much time to write for you, but I did have enough time to give you a little look-see at the naughty fun I had with my Elmo >3

Peace & Love S.boi

PS- I have some ideas to get my blog name out there more! So tell your friends, let me know if you've referred a person to FOLLOW my blog -- if so you'll get a little something special ;]

Monday, September 26, 2011

BIG motherfluckin'blogpost!


There, now that I have your attention, I have quite a bit to say! My day was outrageous! Through and through, truly insane. Lets start with one picture!

This is the breathtaking Millie Rain, and myself.

I do have 8 more pictures to share with you, but I also have QUITE a bit to write about today! I've had some rather interesting conversations today, so bear with me.

Lets start with the RANDOM IM I got tonight, from a seemingly disgruntled patron at 2oak. Lets call her JANE.

JANE: ool u watching me lamo really
SunnyBoi Canis: o.O pardon me? lol
JANE: ok i sorry if im wrong but i have a very good felling im not
SunnyBoi Canis: I didn't understand your first IM [JANE], I'm sorry
JANE: sunny  ok please
JANE: i know u still talk to my girl
SunnyBoi Canis: I have no idea who you are?
SunnyBoi Canis: nor do I know who your girl is
JANE...starting to catch on: ohhh ok..n if u dont im sooo sorry
SunnyBoi Canis: honestly, I've never met you or your girl (assuming she is the one you're partnered to)
JANE: yes she is
SunnyBoi Canis: I haven't the slightest idea who she is o.O
JANE: ok hun
JANE: i sorry for just thinking thazt u were
SunnyBoi Canis: but give whoever it is that is talkin' to her some hell ;]
SunnyBoi Canis: its ok
SunnyBoi Canis: lol
JANE: lol is all good n i sorry i thought u were another
SunnyBoi Canis: its ok :P

You may have cleverly deduced from the chat logs, that JANE thought I was talking to her girl, and also thought it was "lamo". Lets have a moment of silence for JANE's relationship..........

ANDDDDDDDDD done. Thanks everyone, I'm sure the passing of JANE's realtionship will not go unnoticed. Onwards, dear readers! This next convo is between myself, and a 2oak DJ; it went rather.... well, I'll let the logs speak for themselves.

SunnyBoi Canis: you have a hostess dork
SunnyBoi Canis: lol
SunnyBoi Canis: no notices for youuuuu
SunnyBoi Canis: <3
2OAK DJ: it was for my dj group dork....lmao
SunnyBoi Canis: ohhhh LFMAO
SunnyBoi Canis: did it come through 2oak?
2OAK DJ: no dork ur in the group
2OAK DJ: lmao
SunnyBoi Canis: ahh, love you bro
SunnyBoi Canis: lmfao
SunnyBoi Canis: I fail \O/

Thanks to our talented (SHORT SHORT SHORT) hostess, I yelled at poor 2OAK DJ for nothing, as the notice was in fact sent in a different group. SMDH what is the world coming to? I mean really!

The third and final chat log is one that was particularly embarrassing for yours truly. I saw another boi at 2oak, and liked hys style, so I thoughtfully messaged hym with one goal: get this boi to model one of my Male avi shapes for me! Seemed simple enough, right? Well folks, I'm sorry to disagree.... but you're way off base on this one. Enjoy the chat logs ((((special note to the awesome sport who partook in this conversation, and bravely allowed me to share these logs with you. *name has been changed*  Thank you JAKE for being awesomesauce. I look forward to working with you *more* and chatting again! PS - promised you I was bloggin' this! ;] ))))

SunnyBoi Canis: O.O
SunnyBoi Canis: you work for Oh Boi
SunnyBoi Canis: lol
SunnyBoi Canis facepalms
JAKE: chuckles
JAKE: is that a bad thing
SunnyBoi Canis: no, I do too
JAKE: yes
JAKE: grins
SunnyBoi Canis: gahhhh
JAKE: laughs -
SunnyBoi Canis may or may not be, but definitely is beat red right now
JAKE: lol
JAKE: you're fine.
SunnyBoi Canis: good lord, I'm so embarrassed. O.O

............ And I truly was. I was beat red. SMDH. *throws fits in the air shaking them while shouting at the sky "WHY ME?!?"* 

Now on to the stuff that I know you're really waiting for, the rest of the PG-13 pictures I have for you! I'll have you know, I edited all 9 of these in one shot, at 9 am O.o LORD was I losing my mind by the last one! Please enjoy, and feel free to comment and let me know what you think!! Really, I won't hold it against you! ;]

Sunny & Cupcake

Sunny & Tana

Sunny & Hopey

Sunny & Onion

Sunny & Tana

Onion, Sunny & Tana

Sunny & Hope

Tana/Onion Sunny/Hope Cupcake/Millie

Hope you enjoy a good look, you perverts ;] OH, the reason why I have all these? Well, I like to blame it on my dear friend Hopey -- we realized we had ZERO pictures together, and decided to solve that issue. After taking the picture (which was far less naughty) of the two of us, Tana *I believe?* suggested taking several more pictures. This is what we ended up with. HAHA! <3

quote of the day :

SunnyBoi Canis: baeeee
E[L]MO: yesssssssss?
SunnyBoi Canis: lets go make some pixel babies
SunnyBoi Canis: \o/
E[L]MO: :O ok
SunnyBoi Canis: snorts
SunnyBoi Canis: smdh
SunnyBoi Canis: you are amazing
SunnyBoi Canis: the peanut to my allergy
SunnyBoi Canis: :P
E[L]MO: yay! ty ur pretty effin epic ur self ;)
E[L]MO: lmao
E[L]MO: is quoting that

*whispers* quoted, wifey. Its all sorts of quoted >3

Peace & Love S.boi

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Me love you long time ;]

Hi again [: Wow, its been a whopping 5 hours since I blogged last O_o My Lanta, aren't you all spoiled? I wont tell, its ok; your secret is safe with me!

Well, as you can see, I'm still topless \o/ ***Is anyone else concerned about DV? Haven't heard from (him/her) in a while now....*** Well, since (he/she) is not around to ask, I'll just answer. My day went as follows:

I sent my daily notice, but no surprise there ;] I'm a reliable type of guy. I decided today that I needed (well, I'm not sure I *needed*) new poses; My loving wife sent me a landmark to (NAMELESS POSE STORE), upon arrival I quickly deduced that the store was no longer there. However, their floor ate me, so.... that made it worth the trip. Now, because I wasn't sure you'd believe me that a floor in SL would eat someone's avatar -- I cleverly snapped a photo for proof.

I took a few creative liberties here, but wouldn't you?

What you're looking at: Well, dear reader, let me put it to you this way - it WAS a picture of me INSIDE THE FREAKING FLOOR. Now, I had a bit of fun with this so let me explain. The top of my rugged and sexy 'hawk was just peeking out of the floor; I ran around the store (under the other people who incidentally were not nahmed by the floor) singing the jaws song. You know the one; *clears throat dramatically before singing like a songbird* 


DUN DUN........

DUN DUN.....


(DV whispers eerily from a distance "you got a perdy mouth")
O.O *steps away from the keyboard slowly....*

((nearly an hour later)) *peeks over to the computer cautiously. Holding my breath, as I tentatively creep toward my laptop to finish the blog - all the while thinking "Ohhh, the readers are going to be SO mad at DV if I don't finish this entry...."

*coughs* Now, ugh, where was I? Oh, right, stuck in the floor. Well, I had my fun terrorizing the patrons of (NAMELESS POSE STORE) for about 15 minutes or so. I had to leave once I stopped breathing and instead started hyperventilating. I instead changed into my water wear (the thing with the cat hanging out of it pictured above) to attend 2oak's first "Fishbowl Friday (held on Saturday)" \o/ It looked ***incredible***; built by 2oak's Security Boss, Millie Rain. We partied from late in the evening till the wee hours of the morning in a giant fishbowl fit for a queen. The event following was best in blondes, and as you all can see, I'm no blonde ;] not that there is anything wrong with blondes..... ((hopes all the readers aren't blonde, and leave me due to my lack of blonde-ness)) During the event I got a "text message" from our sexy and talented (just another word for short) hostess Tana, demanding I put her in my blog. Obviously, I'm sort of a big deal now. *SNORTS* yeah, right. Anyways, the next picture to titillate your senses is of Tana (did I mention, short?) and myself! Please, go ahead and enjoy!

*tilts head slightly, thinking to self "damn, that's pretty cute"*
Anyways, there it is folks!

I just want to take a moment here, and thank you all for reading my blog! I think its pretty badass :D Rock on, you blog readers you!

quote of the day:

wifey: you kinda yall have alot of the same personality traits
SunnyBoi Canis: >.>
SunnyBoi Canis: just personality, yesh?
wifey: yes
SunnyBoi Canis: I mean not like emotionally, or spiritually?
wifey: o.O imma  alittle high for that question lol
SunnyBoi Canis: lmfao
SunnyBoi Canis: wtg bae

Go forth, dear readers, and cyber-stalk my ass :D 

Peace & Love S.boi

Saturday, September 24, 2011

and circle gets the square >.O

Hola you faithful few that read my ramblings! Greetings! Welcome to Zorg! Just kidding....
I'm aware of how that lacked anything funny about it.... >.> been a long day! Cut me some slack, geesh.

Anyways, welcome back to my blog; rather unfortunately for you, I haven't the slightest idea what I did yesterday... nor do I have an inkling of what to write \o/

Well, to start off, I'd apologize for writing so late... but unfortunately for you (and you, DV) I'm not all that sorry :P~~ Now, what I did... hmm. Welp, I sent the daily notice for 2oak. I helped put a new DJ into our 2oak DJ board ;] All of you 2oak VIPs, keep your eyes wide open for DJ Shiraz! **COMING SOON TO A CLUB NEAR YOU!** After that, I went over to 2oak and  partied for a few hours! The party I particularly loved was 2oak's weekly Formal Night. Now, you may say -- Sunny, you can NOT do formal, while topless; it just is NOT possible. Well, dear sweet innocent reader, you most certainly can. Please refer to the above picture -- for my styling skills, and how to do formal topless ;] Once I was tired of shakin' my groove thing, I set off to get a picture of my wife and me! <3 ((for those of you who are blind, but miraculously reading my blog ramblings -- she's the one with me in the above picture *wink*))) It was all in all a lovely, slow day! ***I am aware of how short this blog is! >.< the next one will be a doosey!!!! <333 promise

quote of the day: "unfortunately for you, I'm not all that sorry" ;]

Go forth, dear readers, and cyber-stalk my ass :D
Peace & Love S.boi

Friday, September 23, 2011

Alaska; which, incidentally is NOT Africa

 Day 3 ladies and bois [:

Welcome back to Sunny For the WIN! <3 So good to see you all here again! (woot for 39 page views! Including someone out there reading from Alaska; which, incidentally is NOT Africa.) :B

Today I have a real treat for your viewing pleasures! I have multiple pictures; the above photo was taken, and edited by yours turly..... truly** even. \o/

Now as promised, here is the picture of my wife and myself *THIS PHOTO RATED G*

Photo Creds: Elmo Zeplin >3

(Disembodied voice, in slightly better mood than yesterday asks "Hey Sun, what'd ya do today?") Why, hello again DV... may I call you that? Good to see you're feeling better today. My day started off a bit abnormally; I did NOT send the daily 2oak events notice, but instead my Assistant Manager to the stars did. Skirting my duties, I decided to spend my time shopping around (or, rather attempting to) for a new AO. The selection was slim, to say the least; I made one purchase on sheer principal, though I don't exactly LOVE the new AO >.>

After shopping, I popped over to 2oak and had a listen to our rockin' country DJ Tammy. A few good shakes later, and I was off on a mission to Photoshop this next gem:

However, I was not entirely Happy with it, and made these as well....

**please note/be aware, dear readers, that I did not create these background images myself; rather lovingly borrowed them, and edited them to make them my own. Background creds to random people who made these images**
kudos, you nameless few.

The Charming Ausie woman on my shoulders in the previous three images, is my loving friend and boss, Lilly. If you are lucky enough to meet this beautiful woman one day, remember this -- you hurt her, I keel you. (DV - I like your tree.... just sayin') .....

                                 Thank you?

After having a slightly trying day, my darling wife sent me a little gifty; I am now the proud owner of the most bad ass looking brass knuckle inspired diamond rings in all of SL!. >3 she less than 3's me. 

                                                                       ((..... <3 .....))

It not only made me smile, but made me appreciate the connection we share even more. ((I think Elmo is getting mentioned more than 2oak at this point o.O)) I had the pleasure today of spending some time with a dear old friend, who I've recently reconnected with. We spent time just catching up, dancing, laughing and enjoying each others company. Feeling shiny and new after some much needed time with people (who on a scale of 1 to important, rank at awesomesauce status) I really care for, I headed back over to 2oak a new boi. Dancing and sillyness followed, and filled my night. After dancing, I worked on the first photo *stretches and points from way down here* inserted in this entry. Just as I thought I was about ready for some much "needed" sleep (snorts, who needs sleep anymore - we have redbull O.O) when a friend told me I should create a Flickr account to share my photos with the world! :O

rather unfortunately for you, I did ;]                    :O *LINK IT!* :O

As some of you may already know, I also have a Facebook account.

Feel free to check both of these links out!

quote of the day:

SunnyBoi Canis: how exactly did I get roped into a situation with 3 crazy femmes?
SunnyBoi Canis: smdh
SunnyBoi Canis: all of you are submissive too...
Hopey: hahaha
SunnyBoi Canis: what do I do, line you up and spank everyone!?
Hopey: mmm yes please

Go forth, dear readers, and cyber-stalk my ass :D
Peace & Love S.boi

Thursday, September 22, 2011

From Mundane, to Mishaps.

Hello again, you random 17 people that have viewed my new blog! Welcome back! Though, I do have a question; are you SURE you're ready for round two? *grins*

As in my first post, I've inserted a picture for your oogling pleasures! (side note, as hard as it may be to believe this -- I actually did all the photography and editing on that photo myself O.O) *GASP* Why not leave me a little howdy-do and let me know what you think about it?

(Disembodied voice, from a eerily close distance asks the question on everyone's mind; "So, nutso - what did you do today?")
......... coughs.

Why, Disembodied voice, you seem a bit disgruntled today.... just sayin'. <.<
Nonetheless, my day went as follows (try and keep up, because it was a doosey!)

Well, as per my usual (because I'm Manager of the year, I'll have you know!) I woke up, and sent out my daily notice for 2oak. After my work was finished, I thought about working some more on the new line of B.O.d.I Shapes I've started, then changed my mind. After window shopping (I bet the Disembodied voice doesn't even know how to use Marketplace...) I chatted with some friends; all pretty mundane stuff... right?

I hate to break this to you reader but, you're so very wrong. I stopped in at 2oak around 7, and had the pleasure of listening to DJ Sage spin some heavy metal tunage, while my Wifey <3 hosted the party. The theme was best in pets, so I scooped up my rat on the way there. (Disembodied voice interrupts rudely to state: "I hate rats, they're filthy.") WELL WHO THE HELL ASKED YOU ANYWAY?! (takes a moment to regain composure, and continue blogging) My ratty (Hurricane) and I had a great time, and shortly after the event ended, I dropped him off home. The 'ol ball-n-chain asked me to take a picture with her, and I enthusiastically agreed, of course! (photographs not yet rated - coming soon to a blog near you) After our steamy session in front of the camera, the wifey went off to bed and I set out on a mission for my own photography gear. I stopped by {nameless} photography store, recommended by Millie, to purchase the same equipment she uses for her sessions. New camera in hand, I headed off for some poses to fill my new stands with; with all the tools I needed to achieve a phenomenal photograph all on my own. Back home, I delicately unpacked all of my new shiny toys, and intended to get to work. However, my night took a turn for the strange...

A friend of mine (Onion) was out hair shopping, and being hit on by some creep; she asked me ride in on my white horse and take care of the situation for her. I ran straight over to {hair store} where she was trying to shop in peace, and IM'd the culprit immediately upon arrival... or so I had thought. To tickle your funny bone, I've decided to share the chat logs with you. I've omitted the naughty words o.-

SunnyBoi Canis: dood, stop IMing my girl
SunnyBoi Canis: she doesn't need any [BLEEP] friend, leave her alone
(man, whom I thought was straight): gay
(man, whom I thought was straight): sooooo yeah
SunnyBoi Canis: gay or not, you're making her uncomfortable
(maybe, he's not really straight): ok let me rephrase this.....i dont talk to girls
(maybe, he's not really straight): so yeah i really dont care or know who she is
SunnyBoi Canis: O.O
(holy EF, wrong guy!): im sorry some dude is trying to get your [BLEEP]
(holy EF, wrong guy!): but its not me
SunnyBoi Canis: no no, lol
SunnyBoi Canis: let me explain
SunnyBoi Canis: because you're not the right person I was supposed to feign my anger at
SunnyBoi Canis: O.O
(oh my lanta, he's so not going to believe me): ah isee
SunnyBoi Canis: my friend Onion is being hit on by the other guy here
SunnyBoi Canis facepalms
SunnyBoi Canis: but failed to tell me "you have the wrong person"
SunnyBoi Canis: <.<
SunnyBoi Canis: I'm sorry

****** it was at this point, I was BEAT RED******
(thank the Lindens, he was nice about it): lol its alright dude lol i hope you rip the guy a new one though
SunnyBoi Canis: lmao
SunnyBoi Canis: I'm too embarassed to do it now

Thanks to the ever-informative and accurate Millie, whom I had asked "are you sure this is the right guy?" before ever sending that first message, I had in fact messaged the WRONG guy. Imagine for a moment, if you will, the sheer embarrassment and slight guilt I felt in that moment, when I first realize.... Sunny, you got the wrong guy. (Disembodied voice: "... BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!") STFU you asswipe. I keel you.

As I was saying, I was extremely embarrassed, slightly guilty, and entirely red. At least he was a good sport about the whole thing.

quote of the day: photographs not yet rated - coming soon to a blog near you.

Go forth, dear readers, and cyber-stalk my ass :D
Peace & Love S.boi

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Why hello there readers! [: My name is Sunny, and you have unfortunately landed on/opened/been sent the link to my blog! \o/ 

Don't fret, I promise not to charm your pants off with my first entry ;]

As you see, above I have cleverly inserted a picture for your viewing pleasure; I'm no fool, I know you don't read blogs (or books for that matter) that don't have them. On a more serious note (snorts!) the purpose of this blog is to allow you a glimpse into my life; it's ups & downs, and my general ramblings. I've decided to attempt life topless for 365 days! Lucky you ;]

To prove to all of you out there that I am in fact topless on a daily basis, I've decided to take pictures to document this adventure. If on the way, I actually learn how to use photoshop on my very own, well that's just a bonus. 

(disembodied voice asks "Why Sunny, how did your day go today?") Well, disembodied voice, I'm tickled you asked! My day went as follows:

I woke up, had a nice scratch and sent my daily notice out for Two Of A Kind - dyke/femme bar (shameless plug!) of which, I am the club Manager. *Feel free to stop reading now, and go see whats happening at 2oak!* Anywho, once my "work" was finished, I dicked around a bit. \o/ I mean, who doesn't do that daily? I spent some time missing my horribly "fierce" friend, and shopped a bit. (Can't remember where -- so don't bother asking me about it you disembodied voice you!) OH! I started this blog. Heh, aren't you lucky? I had Millie Rain (phenomenal photographer! Hint Hint) take some photos of me, and then attempted to photoshop them, to no avail. Then I disappeared for about.... 8 or so hours o.O when I returned from the abyss, I headed over to 2oak (wow, they're getting mentioned a LOT!) ((side note: a lot, is in fact two words, not one.)) ...... (((just sayin'))) ....... My all time favoritest DJ E[L]MO was spinning some incredible tunage, and looking amazingly sexy all at once! "Unbenounced" to Elmo, I was about to pop the question. You know the one, the only one that really POPS. From across the crowded 2oak dance floor, I pledged my love to Elmo, assuredly causing her to turn scarlet; Here's the skinny:

SunnyBoi Canis: can you make it say Sunny For the win?
SunnyBoi Canis: lol
Elmo: lol sure can 
SunnyBoi Canis: gahhh
SunnyBoi Canis: marry me?
SunnyBoi Canis: O.O
Elmo: :O
Elmo: thats a first
SunnyBoi Canis: props for being a first?
SunnyBoi Canis: is that a yes?
SunnyBoi Canis: lol
Elmo: yes!
Elmo: lol
Elmo: :P
SunnyBoi Canis: \o/
SunnyBoi Canis: *looks for a ring to buy you*

Just like that folks, and Elmo was mine! \o/ SUNNY FTW! Now Elmo is wearing the (in)EXPENSIVE wedding ring I bought her (Watermelon flavored pink ring pop) After finishing up Djing her set, my Wifey promptly made me my "E[L]MO's Hubby" tag :D **which I am still wearing *AHEM** and a name gesture that says "Sunny For the Win!" (awesomesauce, be jealous she's not your wife) Shortly after, I called my wife up on skype, and we've been chatting since. She helped me to photoshop the photo above; rather unfortunately, she's now stuck reading what I type here -- because I've shared my screen, and she just has to "grin and bear it". <3 All in all, a day full of excitement, with a splash of wedding fever. Not to be confused with Beiber Fever..... which I also have; as does my wife \o/

Not to go all sappy on you, disembodied voice, and readers... (has anyone else noticed the disembodied voice has been awfully quiet?) but this song is dedicated to my wifey, and her love of pink.

You could be my flamingo
'Coz pink is the new kinda lingo
Pink like a deco umbrella
It's kink - but you don't ever tell her

Pink it was love at first sight, and
Pink when I turn out the light
Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

***please note, these lyrics are not mine.... props to Aerosmith!***

quote of the day: 
SunnyBoi Canis: Oo.O
SunnyBoi Canis: woah
SunnyBoi Canis: three eyes?
Hopey: lmfao!!
SunnyBoi Canis: or is that a stigema?
SunnyBoi Canis: estigma?
SunnyBoi Canis: e-stig-muh
Hopey: stigmatism?
SunnyBoi Canis: o.O
Hopey: wut?
Hopey: now
SunnyBoi Canis: I DON'T KNOW
Hopey: i'm lost
Hopey: ;x
SunnyBoi Canis: O.O

Go forth, dear readers, and cyber-stalk my ass :D

Peace & Love S.boi