Thursday, September 22, 2011

From Mundane, to Mishaps.

Hello again, you random 17 people that have viewed my new blog! Welcome back! Though, I do have a question; are you SURE you're ready for round two? *grins*

As in my first post, I've inserted a picture for your oogling pleasures! (side note, as hard as it may be to believe this -- I actually did all the photography and editing on that photo myself O.O) *GASP* Why not leave me a little howdy-do and let me know what you think about it?

(Disembodied voice, from a eerily close distance asks the question on everyone's mind; "So, nutso - what did you do today?")
......... coughs.

Why, Disembodied voice, you seem a bit disgruntled today.... just sayin'. <.<
Nonetheless, my day went as follows (try and keep up, because it was a doosey!)

Well, as per my usual (because I'm Manager of the year, I'll have you know!) I woke up, and sent out my daily notice for 2oak. After my work was finished, I thought about working some more on the new line of B.O.d.I Shapes I've started, then changed my mind. After window shopping (I bet the Disembodied voice doesn't even know how to use Marketplace...) I chatted with some friends; all pretty mundane stuff... right?

I hate to break this to you reader but, you're so very wrong. I stopped in at 2oak around 7, and had the pleasure of listening to DJ Sage spin some heavy metal tunage, while my Wifey <3 hosted the party. The theme was best in pets, so I scooped up my rat on the way there. (Disembodied voice interrupts rudely to state: "I hate rats, they're filthy.") WELL WHO THE HELL ASKED YOU ANYWAY?! (takes a moment to regain composure, and continue blogging) My ratty (Hurricane) and I had a great time, and shortly after the event ended, I dropped him off home. The 'ol ball-n-chain asked me to take a picture with her, and I enthusiastically agreed, of course! (photographs not yet rated - coming soon to a blog near you) After our steamy session in front of the camera, the wifey went off to bed and I set out on a mission for my own photography gear. I stopped by {nameless} photography store, recommended by Millie, to purchase the same equipment she uses for her sessions. New camera in hand, I headed off for some poses to fill my new stands with; with all the tools I needed to achieve a phenomenal photograph all on my own. Back home, I delicately unpacked all of my new shiny toys, and intended to get to work. However, my night took a turn for the strange...

A friend of mine (Onion) was out hair shopping, and being hit on by some creep; she asked me ride in on my white horse and take care of the situation for her. I ran straight over to {hair store} where she was trying to shop in peace, and IM'd the culprit immediately upon arrival... or so I had thought. To tickle your funny bone, I've decided to share the chat logs with you. I've omitted the naughty words o.-

SunnyBoi Canis: dood, stop IMing my girl
SunnyBoi Canis: she doesn't need any [BLEEP] friend, leave her alone
(man, whom I thought was straight): gay
(man, whom I thought was straight): sooooo yeah
SunnyBoi Canis: gay or not, you're making her uncomfortable
(maybe, he's not really straight): ok let me rephrase this.....i dont talk to girls
(maybe, he's not really straight): so yeah i really dont care or know who she is
SunnyBoi Canis: O.O
(holy EF, wrong guy!): im sorry some dude is trying to get your [BLEEP]
(holy EF, wrong guy!): but its not me
SunnyBoi Canis: no no, lol
SunnyBoi Canis: let me explain
SunnyBoi Canis: because you're not the right person I was supposed to feign my anger at
SunnyBoi Canis: O.O
(oh my lanta, he's so not going to believe me): ah isee
SunnyBoi Canis: my friend Onion is being hit on by the other guy here
SunnyBoi Canis facepalms
SunnyBoi Canis: but failed to tell me "you have the wrong person"
SunnyBoi Canis: <.<
SunnyBoi Canis: I'm sorry

****** it was at this point, I was BEAT RED******
(thank the Lindens, he was nice about it): lol its alright dude lol i hope you rip the guy a new one though
SunnyBoi Canis: lmao
SunnyBoi Canis: I'm too embarassed to do it now

Thanks to the ever-informative and accurate Millie, whom I had asked "are you sure this is the right guy?" before ever sending that first message, I had in fact messaged the WRONG guy. Imagine for a moment, if you will, the sheer embarrassment and slight guilt I felt in that moment, when I first realize.... Sunny, you got the wrong guy. (Disembodied voice: "... BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!") STFU you asswipe. I keel you.

As I was saying, I was extremely embarrassed, slightly guilty, and entirely red. At least he was a good sport about the whole thing.

quote of the day: photographs not yet rated - coming soon to a blog near you.

Go forth, dear readers, and cyber-stalk my ass :D
Peace & Love S.boi

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