Monday, September 26, 2011

BIG motherfluckin'blogpost!


There, now that I have your attention, I have quite a bit to say! My day was outrageous! Through and through, truly insane. Lets start with one picture!

This is the breathtaking Millie Rain, and myself.

I do have 8 more pictures to share with you, but I also have QUITE a bit to write about today! I've had some rather interesting conversations today, so bear with me.

Lets start with the RANDOM IM I got tonight, from a seemingly disgruntled patron at 2oak. Lets call her JANE.

JANE: ool u watching me lamo really
SunnyBoi Canis: o.O pardon me? lol
JANE: ok i sorry if im wrong but i have a very good felling im not
SunnyBoi Canis: I didn't understand your first IM [JANE], I'm sorry
JANE: sunny  ok please
JANE: i know u still talk to my girl
SunnyBoi Canis: I have no idea who you are?
SunnyBoi Canis: nor do I know who your girl is
JANE...starting to catch on: ohhh ok..n if u dont im sooo sorry
SunnyBoi Canis: honestly, I've never met you or your girl (assuming she is the one you're partnered to)
JANE: yes she is
SunnyBoi Canis: I haven't the slightest idea who she is o.O
JANE: ok hun
JANE: i sorry for just thinking thazt u were
SunnyBoi Canis: but give whoever it is that is talkin' to her some hell ;]
SunnyBoi Canis: its ok
SunnyBoi Canis: lol
JANE: lol is all good n i sorry i thought u were another
SunnyBoi Canis: its ok :P

You may have cleverly deduced from the chat logs, that JANE thought I was talking to her girl, and also thought it was "lamo". Lets have a moment of silence for JANE's relationship..........

ANDDDDDDDDD done. Thanks everyone, I'm sure the passing of JANE's realtionship will not go unnoticed. Onwards, dear readers! This next convo is between myself, and a 2oak DJ; it went rather.... well, I'll let the logs speak for themselves.

SunnyBoi Canis: you have a hostess dork
SunnyBoi Canis: lol
SunnyBoi Canis: no notices for youuuuu
SunnyBoi Canis: <3
2OAK DJ: it was for my dj group dork....lmao
SunnyBoi Canis: ohhhh LFMAO
SunnyBoi Canis: did it come through 2oak?
2OAK DJ: no dork ur in the group
2OAK DJ: lmao
SunnyBoi Canis: ahh, love you bro
SunnyBoi Canis: lmfao
SunnyBoi Canis: I fail \O/

Thanks to our talented (SHORT SHORT SHORT) hostess, I yelled at poor 2OAK DJ for nothing, as the notice was in fact sent in a different group. SMDH what is the world coming to? I mean really!

The third and final chat log is one that was particularly embarrassing for yours truly. I saw another boi at 2oak, and liked hys style, so I thoughtfully messaged hym with one goal: get this boi to model one of my Male avi shapes for me! Seemed simple enough, right? Well folks, I'm sorry to disagree.... but you're way off base on this one. Enjoy the chat logs ((((special note to the awesome sport who partook in this conversation, and bravely allowed me to share these logs with you. *name has been changed*  Thank you JAKE for being awesomesauce. I look forward to working with you *more* and chatting again! PS - promised you I was bloggin' this! ;] ))))

SunnyBoi Canis: O.O
SunnyBoi Canis: you work for Oh Boi
SunnyBoi Canis: lol
SunnyBoi Canis facepalms
JAKE: chuckles
JAKE: is that a bad thing
SunnyBoi Canis: no, I do too
JAKE: yes
JAKE: grins
SunnyBoi Canis: gahhhh
JAKE: laughs -
SunnyBoi Canis may or may not be, but definitely is beat red right now
JAKE: lol
JAKE: you're fine.
SunnyBoi Canis: good lord, I'm so embarrassed. O.O

............ And I truly was. I was beat red. SMDH. *throws fits in the air shaking them while shouting at the sky "WHY ME?!?"* 

Now on to the stuff that I know you're really waiting for, the rest of the PG-13 pictures I have for you! I'll have you know, I edited all 9 of these in one shot, at 9 am O.o LORD was I losing my mind by the last one! Please enjoy, and feel free to comment and let me know what you think!! Really, I won't hold it against you! ;]

Sunny & Cupcake

Sunny & Tana

Sunny & Hopey

Sunny & Onion

Sunny & Tana

Onion, Sunny & Tana

Sunny & Hope

Tana/Onion Sunny/Hope Cupcake/Millie

Hope you enjoy a good look, you perverts ;] OH, the reason why I have all these? Well, I like to blame it on my dear friend Hopey -- we realized we had ZERO pictures together, and decided to solve that issue. After taking the picture (which was far less naughty) of the two of us, Tana *I believe?* suggested taking several more pictures. This is what we ended up with. HAHA! <3

quote of the day :

SunnyBoi Canis: baeeee
E[L]MO: yesssssssss?
SunnyBoi Canis: lets go make some pixel babies
SunnyBoi Canis: \o/
E[L]MO: :O ok
SunnyBoi Canis: snorts
SunnyBoi Canis: smdh
SunnyBoi Canis: you are amazing
SunnyBoi Canis: the peanut to my allergy
SunnyBoi Canis: :P
E[L]MO: yay! ty ur pretty effin epic ur self ;)
E[L]MO: lmao
E[L]MO: is quoting that

*whispers* quoted, wifey. Its all sorts of quoted >3

Peace & Love S.boi

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