Sunday, September 25, 2011

Me love you long time ;]

Hi again [: Wow, its been a whopping 5 hours since I blogged last O_o My Lanta, aren't you all spoiled? I wont tell, its ok; your secret is safe with me!

Well, as you can see, I'm still topless \o/ ***Is anyone else concerned about DV? Haven't heard from (him/her) in a while now....*** Well, since (he/she) is not around to ask, I'll just answer. My day went as follows:

I sent my daily notice, but no surprise there ;] I'm a reliable type of guy. I decided today that I needed (well, I'm not sure I *needed*) new poses; My loving wife sent me a landmark to (NAMELESS POSE STORE), upon arrival I quickly deduced that the store was no longer there. However, their floor ate me, so.... that made it worth the trip. Now, because I wasn't sure you'd believe me that a floor in SL would eat someone's avatar -- I cleverly snapped a photo for proof.

I took a few creative liberties here, but wouldn't you?

What you're looking at: Well, dear reader, let me put it to you this way - it WAS a picture of me INSIDE THE FREAKING FLOOR. Now, I had a bit of fun with this so let me explain. The top of my rugged and sexy 'hawk was just peeking out of the floor; I ran around the store (under the other people who incidentally were not nahmed by the floor) singing the jaws song. You know the one; *clears throat dramatically before singing like a songbird* 


DUN DUN........

DUN DUN.....


(DV whispers eerily from a distance "you got a perdy mouth")
O.O *steps away from the keyboard slowly....*

((nearly an hour later)) *peeks over to the computer cautiously. Holding my breath, as I tentatively creep toward my laptop to finish the blog - all the while thinking "Ohhh, the readers are going to be SO mad at DV if I don't finish this entry...."

*coughs* Now, ugh, where was I? Oh, right, stuck in the floor. Well, I had my fun terrorizing the patrons of (NAMELESS POSE STORE) for about 15 minutes or so. I had to leave once I stopped breathing and instead started hyperventilating. I instead changed into my water wear (the thing with the cat hanging out of it pictured above) to attend 2oak's first "Fishbowl Friday (held on Saturday)" \o/ It looked ***incredible***; built by 2oak's Security Boss, Millie Rain. We partied from late in the evening till the wee hours of the morning in a giant fishbowl fit for a queen. The event following was best in blondes, and as you all can see, I'm no blonde ;] not that there is anything wrong with blondes..... ((hopes all the readers aren't blonde, and leave me due to my lack of blonde-ness)) During the event I got a "text message" from our sexy and talented (just another word for short) hostess Tana, demanding I put her in my blog. Obviously, I'm sort of a big deal now. *SNORTS* yeah, right. Anyways, the next picture to titillate your senses is of Tana (did I mention, short?) and myself! Please, go ahead and enjoy!

*tilts head slightly, thinking to self "damn, that's pretty cute"*
Anyways, there it is folks!

I just want to take a moment here, and thank you all for reading my blog! I think its pretty badass :D Rock on, you blog readers you!

quote of the day:

wifey: you kinda yall have alot of the same personality traits
SunnyBoi Canis: >.>
SunnyBoi Canis: just personality, yesh?
wifey: yes
SunnyBoi Canis: I mean not like emotionally, or spiritually?
wifey: o.O imma  alittle high for that question lol
SunnyBoi Canis: lmfao
SunnyBoi Canis: wtg bae

Go forth, dear readers, and cyber-stalk my ass :D 

Peace & Love S.boi


  1. I have to say I enjoy your blog! It is quite entertaining! Soon enough you will have plenty of cyber stalkers! Keep up the good work ;)

  2. \o/ Lakin! because you're the first person to comment on my blog, you get a free custom Shape courtesy of my company B.O.d.I Shapes :D
